Tuesday 22 October 2013

Anti-Bullying Week: 18th-22nd November 2013

In a few weeks time, it will be our annual Anti-Bullying Week at Chatsworth Primary. This year, our focus is on staying safe online and preventing cyber-bullying.

Our School Council will be organising a special competition but we also want to find out what you, as pupils in our school, would like to know more about.

Do you know what to do if you see or receive inappropriate messages online?
Do you know who to ask for help?
Do you know how to change your privacy settings so that you can make sure it is only your friends who can contact you?
How can School Council, your teachers and your parents and carers help?

We would love to hear your views and questions! 


  1. i think if you receive a inappropriate message you should ignore it don't reply if they message you again the best thing to do is tell your parents or your parent, carer is with you.I think that the younger children should have a parent with them.

    1. Yes same abeer i think that is true the children should be with them if they get lost is the parents responsibility

  2. Miss Croash my mum had a letter from the council saying that there will be work going on because of the traffic.

  3. Even no i am not school counsel and i was last year i have some answers to these questions so the first question i want to answer is the first one.

    If you do see on get sent and worrying messages that make you fill uncomfortable leave straight away and tell a adult or some one that you think could help and if there are no people around you turn what ever you are on straight off.

    second question

    If you need to no who to ask for help ask friends or adults and do not be afraid to.

    3rd question

    If you do not no how to only make sure friends contact you ask parents to show you how on your lap top or computer or another thing different to show you

    4th question

    To help you friend son daughter or any one you no you could first check on what they are all upset about an check if there safe

    by maiya in 5ac

  4. Maybe you could ask them what the people did to them and try to stop it from happening .

    1. Good idea Quynh-chau. I agree

  5. http://www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/family/teenagers/whiteboard-animations/beat-a-bully-without-using-your-fists/

    Video about beating a bully with using your fists!

  6. http://kidshealth.org/kid/feeling/emotion/bullies.html
    This is about dealing with bullies
