Thursday 24 October 2013

Our priorities for this year.

We are the school council representatives for this year and we would like to introduce some of our ideas we have came up with for improving the school this current year. If you have any ideas or comments you can post them at the end; We would love to hear them!
Thank you, 
Lucy and the rest of the school council. :D  

We will focus on:
Improving the playground at lunchtime:
·         Re-introduce friendship stop with the help of the Buddies.

·         Improving the school benches.

·         Consult with Mr. Wright about the climbing frame.


We are going to focus on the safety of children and adults entering and leaving our school:

·         Write a letter to the council about zebra crossing and railings.

·         Write a letter to the council about the ice-cream van blocking people’s movement and creating human traffic.

·         Litter picking.


We are going to focus on raising awareness of the situation for children in Syria.

·         We are going to research a charity that helps children in Syria.

·         ‘Shoebox’ project.

·         Fundraising project.

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Anti-Bullying Week: 18th-22nd November 2013

In a few weeks time, it will be our annual Anti-Bullying Week at Chatsworth Primary. This year, our focus is on staying safe online and preventing cyber-bullying.

Our School Council will be organising a special competition but we also want to find out what you, as pupils in our school, would like to know more about.

Do you know what to do if you see or receive inappropriate messages online?
Do you know who to ask for help?
Do you know how to change your privacy settings so that you can make sure it is only your friends who can contact you?
How can School Council, your teachers and your parents and carers help?

We would love to hear your views and questions! 

Thursday 10 October 2013

Traffic around Chatsworth Primary.

As you may know, there are lots of cars on Heath Road! While most drivers are very sensible, unfortunately there are a few that go too fast and this can cause problems when nearly 700 children and their parents and carers try to leave from one exit at home time.

Safety coming into and exiting from our school was an issue that came up in our recent School Council Survey and this week, members of our School Council came together to write a submission to our local council in support of a proposed 20 miles per hour speed limit in the roads around our school. This would mean that cars would be forced to go slower by law and help prevent accidents.

Here is the letter we wrote:

We are school councillors from Chatsworth Primary School and we are writing to you because we are concerned about our safety walking to and from school.

Recently, a child in our school, while walking home, was hit by a car as he crossed the road on the zebra crossing. The car was travelling too quickly to see him and hit him on his knee before stopping. Luckily he was not too badly injured however we want to make sure that no one else gets hurt. There are lots of cars that drive past Chatsworth and as we only have one entrance that people can enter and exit our school, we are worried that this could happen again.

Here are some of our ideas as to how we can improve the situation:

·         We support the idea of lowering the speed limit from 30 miles per hour to 20 miles per hour.

·         Extend the barriers between the pathway and the road.

·         Ideally, we would like a zebra crossing to be moved closer to the school gates.

We will make some safety posters to advertise to parents in our local area and we will encourage other children to walk to school to prevent too much traffic.

We hope to hear from you soon and thank you reading our ideas.

Yours Faithfully,

Tomasz, Alesha, Hifza, Jasmin, Madina, Bhargavi, Laiba, Tony-Ann and Miss Croash.

(Representatives of Chatsworth School Council)

Who are we? What do we do?

Who are we?
We are representatives from all of the classes in Chatsworth Primary from Year 1 to Year 6.

Amaryllis                                 Prachi
Buttercup                                Alesha
Crocus                                    Shilo
Deadly Plague                        Madina
Ghostly Tower                        Amina
Great Fire                               Jasmine
Big Ben                                   Hifza
Downing Street                       Tonyann
Thames                                   Jasmin
Hyde Park                               Aaron
Olympic Park                          Bhargavi
Waterloo                                 Laiba
5AC                                        Tomasz
5JM                                        Laraib
5MD                                       Maadhav
6A                                           Lucy
6B                                           Angela

What do the School Council do?
The School Council takes part in lots of activities including:
• Listening to the views and concerns of other pupils;
• Representing these concerns to teachers, Mr. Wright and other adults;
• Coming up with ideas to help improve the school and make decisions;
• Thinking of ways to contribute locally and globally;
• Fundraise for Chatsworth and charities;
• Having the responsibility for a budget;
• Representing Chatsworth at the annual School Council Conference.

Being a school councillor is a very responsible position as you have to have a lot of sensible ideas and sometimes have to do things in our lunch times. However, it is our chance to play an important part in our Chatsworth community.